In yet another March birthday, happy birthday, Allyson. I hear she got to see Ben Folds (so jealous!), so I can't think of a much better way to spend your birthday. Though, Stephen's night in Chattanooga sounded like fun, so hit up his blog (link to the right) to read about it. Speaking of other people's blogs, Jess and Stefan seriously need to update. I mean, I know it's about their trip to Brazil which does not begin for another two days, but omgupdate!
As for the hard choice portion of this entry, it refers to my pending decision for law school. Now, I may be premature in this weighing of options, because I've yet to hear back from any of the schools to which I applied. To recap, these are LSU, DePaul and the University of Akron as a last minute, and free, application, which also serves as a fallback since their standards for admission are nominally lower than LSU's and DePaul's. That being said, my scores and grades for LSU and DePaul are pretty much median or better, so I'm fairly confident about getting into both.
Here's the case for LSU. I love LSU, even though there are several things I dislike about Baton Rouge and campus, I still love it here. Everything from the beauty of the campus, to the sports, to the Chimes and other excellent hangouts. Those of you who have been here know what I am talking about. Also, I am very intrigued by the law school. The program is a dual degree in both civil and common law, based on the unique tradition of Louisiana law. There are no certificate programs to speak of, but there are enough courses in Intellectual Property (what I want to pursue) to certainly make it a specialty here. Big positive for LSU is that as a public school, it's < $12k a year to attend, and it's really cheap to live here, so money won't be nearly as worrisome. Even though I love my home of LA, I'm still not sure I want to live here my whole life, and going to law school here all but makes that certain.
Now for DePaul. I've never been to Chicago, though from what I've heard, read, and seen on TV (mostly via Cubs games) I think I'd really like it. Couple of huge problems though, it's hella expensive to live there and tuition is 30 large a year. They did, however, send me a letter about prelminarily qualifying for a $20k/year scholarship, so if that pans out, at least one of these would be taken care of. What drew me to DePaul was its IP program, it has a true certificate program, IP center, and dedicated faculty. There's also an interesting dual degree program with a J.D. and M.A. in Computer Science, which does not have a specific bachelor's degree requirement, though that's four years instead of three. Also, I would love to live in a big city, Chicago certainly qualifies. There's also this part of me which says, "Get out and do something different and new." There's no doubt that the life experience would be substantial, though I'm not sure how much I'll be able to actually do given both the time and monetary constraints of law school, since I am not allowed to work at all for the first year. Graduating from a private school with a less specified education (since it's just common law) would allow me to move whereever I wanted after graduation.
I put this here to get your input. Some of you have braved the experience of moving to a brand new place for whatever reason. Is it what you expected? What has hardest about it? Some of you have spent a large amount of time at LSU, and those who have left, what do you miss? I should hear back from these schools within a few weeks and will only have another couple after that to make up my mind.