04 March 2006

He wrote the fucking book

Of course, I've never been capable of an original thought in my entire life, rather it's just an ongoing series of allusions. This one, of course, like so many others, to everyone's favorite Vermont rockers, Phish. This blog, however, will not be a memorial to perhaps the greatest jam band ever (though, I am sure there are plenty out there), rather it will be a place where I will put my own musings and experiences, hopefully which are all more or less orginal. I can only hope that they are able to keep the six of you who may read this interested.

I must credit Stefan and Jess (http://omgbrazil.blogspot.com) for inspring me to do this, or at the very least providing me with the service to do so. I am lazy, so do not want to create my own web page, and so you all must deal with the trappings of a free service. At this very moment, I am killing time before I have to leave for work and taking a break from studying for my upcoming week of hell, six midterms in five days. So for now, I will leave you with this, but fear not, more is sure to follow.


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