21 March 2006

Liberal is not a four letter word

The past couple of days I've been bored (and trying to avoid raeading) and have gone back to watch a few of my favorite West Wing episodes (I know Loni, I should be watching Firefly). In last year's season finale, Congressman Matt Santos (Jimmy Smits) gives an impassioned speech at the party convention about what it means to be a liberal. Speeches like this make me love the show.

Liberals/progressives (I like to use them interchangeably, since at one point in history they were called progressives) have been at the forefront of every major social and/or legal change in this country, especially after the Civil War. It was a liberal Congress that forced the South to ratify the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, which respectively abolished slavery, gave everyone the equal protection of the law and citizenship, and prohibited the vote from being denied on the basis of color, the 14th Amendment being the most important and fundamental to our freedom of all of these. A few decades later, liberals (now under the moniker of Progressives) stabilized our goverment's income through the income tax (16th Amendment), gave people the direct vote of Senators (17th Amendment) and gave women the right to vote (19th Amendment). In the 1960s (perhaps the greatest decade in American history), liberals finally secured the rights promised to minorites in the 14th and 15th Amendments by passing the 24th Amendment, abolishment of poll taxes, and the Civil Rights Act of 1968, which promised everyone equal access to society through a number of provisions. Some of these provisions were embodied in the Civil Rights Act of 1870, but it was struck down under the pressure of the newly restored Southern Congressmen.

I know a lot of this sounds like a civics lecture, but to me knowledge of our nation's laws as embodied in the Constitution and Bill of Rights and the history behind them is paramount to citizenship. As a proudly-admitted liberal, I see the Constitution as the contract which preserves our freedoms and guarantees oppurtunity for all, and anything which seeks to strike it down needs to be met with equal if not greater force. Therefore, as proud liberals, we should resist the moral fundamentalism which is slowly taking over our country, which seeks to, among other things, take away a woman's right to choose and tell a gay couple that they cannot enjoy the same civil rights as other married couples. Others may disagree, and I welcome the discussions of those whose disagreements are based on a different interpretation of the law of the land. It's those who disagree out of blind devotion to their faiths, not law, that aggrevate me beyond control. I am proud to be a liberal, and those who seek to throw the label at my feet will see me pick it up and wear as a badge of honor.


At 7:31 PM, Blogger Stephen said...

what he said. i may not know the law of the land or the constitution as well as you, but i feel the same way. besides, it's your job to know all the technicalities and then inform me later :D ha, but seriously, at most times when politics comes up among my friends, it's usually a one-sided fight (seeing as only me and my roommate bryan are the only liberals). but, i have noticed that my friends want to get into it less and less with us, because they know they can't argue our points. it kinda proves to me that most liberals are more educated on politics than the rest of blind america that, as matt said, holds faith accountable for their political views. once again, i agree that religion is no grounds for politics. as simple as it may seem, my views have always been structured on why this country was founded: to escape religious persecution; and that it was founded on the basis of the spearation of church and state. so many people don't realize this any longer and it angers me more than anything. once again, though, this country can point (for the most part) to one region and say that's where the Bible-Thumping Conservatives are...the South. it's frustrating, but, I guess my point is that I know, regardless of our surroundings or company, Bryan and I always stand up for what we believe with solid evidence and reason for our belief, and it makes me feel slightly better when someone doesn't really know why he argues, but only has the Bible to back him - because then hey just looks dumb :) (and if none of you have figured out, we Herzogs like knowing we're smarter than other people...not that we'd ever rub it in or anything...)

At 9:57 AM, Blogger Loni Huff said...

Wow ... maybe I should start watching The West Wing. I had no idea they had such a lovely political slant. =) That kicked ass.

Oh and you're forgiven for not watching Firefly ... this time.


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