13 May 2006

This has all been wonderful, but now I'm on my way

In a mere two hours or so, I will be done at LSU, barring a very unlikely changing of plans regarding law school, and what a strange trip it's been. As i sit in Highland Coffees, across the street from the School of Music, I remember my first year, moving in for band camp and the ensuing weeks that would make up maybe my most fun semester here at LSU.

Given the chance to do things again (after all, life in the subjunctive is fun) I would not start as a music major, but probably a Latin/History major but still be in Tiger Band. I would not have moved off campus, but lived on campus with access to my own car which would have vastly improved my first year experience sans vehicle. I can conclusively say that moving off campus started the downward spiral that was the next 3-4 years of my collegiate career and personal life, only by moving in with my dad and then living on campus again was I able to recover. Granted, I had fun in those years, but perhaps too much, and it has cost me in many ways, mostly financially, racking up student loans that I really shouldn't have needed.

No worries though, in the end things have really worked out. I'm in a great relationship and really could not have expected a better oppurtunity post-graduation than what I have at Akron. Granted, these two elements will soon come into conflict, but what is life if not just a series of conflicts. In the end, I'm leaving school with the same amount of excitement I had entering it, and I'm not sure many people can say that. I will certainly miss LSU and Baton Rouge, but I look forward to Akron and law school.

Here are some numbers:
7 - years to graduate, number of residences since college began
3 - number of cars, girlfrineds, declared majors, universities enrolled
11 - number of places I've been employed (!)
3.3 and 159 - GPA and LSAT score
1 B.A. in History

I'm not sure how these add up or relate, but make what you will of them. Some should be higher, some could be lower, alas these have been my vital statistics. Anyway, in most appropriate fashion, my first night after my last official, graded task at LSU will be spent in the Quarter with dinner at Port of Call and a visit to Pat O'Brien's on the slate, and next weekend should be even better.

Bonus points to him or her who can name the source of the title of this entry.


At 11:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what bonus points would get me, but it's Phish - Down with Disease (from Hoist) - one of the few Phish songs that I know of where the lyrics make sense to me (take note, I don't know too many Phish songs) :) And is it wrong that your post actually made me really sad? Ugh - I hate having to leave things so much that even you doing so makes me a sad panda. Anyways, glad you're moving closer, in any case :) Yay mid-west!

At 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some more numbers:
5 - Akron's rank in largest cities in Ohio
24 - number of astronauts from Ohio
8 - Ohioan presidents
9 - letters in Voinovich
212,245 - population of Akron
at least 2 - Ohioan inventors who created things essential to modern civilization (namely, Edison (Lima) and the Wright Brothers (Dayton))

Mainly, though, I'm just posting for the bonus points.

At 12:38 AM, Blogger Matt said...

Well, Dave, Allyson beat you to the punch, so you get no points. As for how to repay Allsyon, the next time I see you, I'll buy you a beer or two. And I suppose the post can be expected to make one sad, after all, it's a fairly sentimental post, and hopefully it won't happen too often. Thanks for the Ohio stats though, and it's also worth noting that my vote in 2008 will more than likely count unlike it did in 2004 in TN or would have in 2008 in LA. I plan to get involved in politics while in law school, since the two go so well together.

At 7:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plus - closer to Allyson?! I mean, I think that's the most important point.

At 9:03 PM, Blogger Stephen said...

plus closer to cedar pointe...always a huge bonus. and soon, i will be taking your place in louisiana :P

At 7:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooh! dude! I forgot about Cedar Pointe! I still need to go...

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Loni Huff said...

Congratulations on graduation, Matt! I'm so happy for you! Many people would have given up the ghost and never finished, but I'm glad that you persevered and are going to have a better life for it. Best of luck in Ohio!

At 12:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some more fun facts:
Cedar Point is an amusement park in Sandusky.
Cedar Pointe is an apartment complex in Antioch.
(Sorry...couldn't resist. If offended, you can point out that the Wright Brothers are two people by themselves.)
Meanwhile, here's a good place to start for local history. Made me sad to hear about it today. With the Pro Football Hall of Fame, it's probably the only other true "landmark" in NE Ohio.


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