29 May 2006

Summer Update

First week of summer has gone by, and it's been pretty boring actually. I'm just working a bunch before I have to quit at the end of June, and to make matters worse, Kellie left for Colorado on Wednesday for a wedding. So, it's been pretty quiet. It's ok though, as I am making money and lacking outlets to spend it, and apparently that's how people save money.

Anywho, my summer plans are starting to come into focus. At the end of June, I'll make my first visit to Akron to hopefully find an apartment and begin to get acclimated. After that, Kellie and I will head up to Nashville for the 4th of July to visit me ma and my friends. In the middle of July, Kellie moves into her new apartment, which my Jeep and I will help facilitate. At the end of July, if all works out well, Stephen and I will go to Akron to move and attend a pre-orientation. This is all timed out so that I can see Death Cab for Cutie in Cuyahoga Falls (about 20 mi. outside of Akron) on August 3rd, and I'm sure Stephen and I will visit Cedar Point as well.

Until then, I'm working five days a week at J's and am probably going to pick up a sixth shift every now and then. With any amount of discipline I should be able to get through July and August without working and have enough money to get to Akron and settle in before I get loans. My plan: lots of drinking at home and Warcraft, the latter much to Kellie's shugrin.

13 May 2006

This has all been wonderful, but now I'm on my way

In a mere two hours or so, I will be done at LSU, barring a very unlikely changing of plans regarding law school, and what a strange trip it's been. As i sit in Highland Coffees, across the street from the School of Music, I remember my first year, moving in for band camp and the ensuing weeks that would make up maybe my most fun semester here at LSU.

Given the chance to do things again (after all, life in the subjunctive is fun) I would not start as a music major, but probably a Latin/History major but still be in Tiger Band. I would not have moved off campus, but lived on campus with access to my own car which would have vastly improved my first year experience sans vehicle. I can conclusively say that moving off campus started the downward spiral that was the next 3-4 years of my collegiate career and personal life, only by moving in with my dad and then living on campus again was I able to recover. Granted, I had fun in those years, but perhaps too much, and it has cost me in many ways, mostly financially, racking up student loans that I really shouldn't have needed.

No worries though, in the end things have really worked out. I'm in a great relationship and really could not have expected a better oppurtunity post-graduation than what I have at Akron. Granted, these two elements will soon come into conflict, but what is life if not just a series of conflicts. In the end, I'm leaving school with the same amount of excitement I had entering it, and I'm not sure many people can say that. I will certainly miss LSU and Baton Rouge, but I look forward to Akron and law school.

Here are some numbers:
7 - years to graduate, number of residences since college began
3 - number of cars, girlfrineds, declared majors, universities enrolled
11 - number of places I've been employed (!)
3.3 and 159 - GPA and LSAT score
1 B.A. in History

I'm not sure how these add up or relate, but make what you will of them. Some should be higher, some could be lower, alas these have been my vital statistics. Anyway, in most appropriate fashion, my first night after my last official, graded task at LSU will be spent in the Quarter with dinner at Port of Call and a visit to Pat O'Brien's on the slate, and next weekend should be even better.

Bonus points to him or her who can name the source of the title of this entry.

08 May 2006

Incoming fanboi post

This picture is the first shot released from Aaron Sorkin's new show Studio 60 on Sunset Strip. Pictured are Bradley Whitford (The West Wing, Billy Madison) and Matthew Perry (Friends, The Whole Nine Yards) who play the director and writer of a fictional sketch comedy show, on which Studio 60 is based. Aaron Sorkin of course is the creator of The West Wing and SportsNight and writer of The American President and A Few Good Men.

I cannot wait for this show to come out next fall, just in time for the first year without The West Wing. Sorkin's previous work has been nothing short of brilliant, and all indications show that this will live up to his previous genius. In terms of genre, I'm guessing it will fall between West Wing and SportsNight, though even those two shows blended drama and comedy, which make them all the more enjoyable.

Now comes the issue of NBC and how the network promotes the show. They've already committed $3 million dollars to the pilot and agreed to 13 episodes, so it will certainly be part of the fall lineup. That said, with network entertainment constantly playing down to the lowest common denominator (see reality TV of any sort), this may hit the same fate as SportsNight and simply be too smart for its audience, though a critical success fail commercially. NBC will undoubtedly spin this as a return for Matt Perry, which is fine with me since he was far and away the best Friend, but they should also give Sorkin his due, since West Wing has been the network's best recent success. Though I'm no marketing expert, I would love if they scheduled Scrubs and it on the same night, as they are both, or so I'm guessing, dramedies and would get a huge crossover audience. Tuesday night at 8:30 and 9:00 sound good to anyone else? That is, with anything other than Fear Factor at 8:00.

If you are interested here are some S60 (as it is commonly dubbed) links: