25 July 2006

Matthew's Last Night in Town

While this post and title would be way cooler if I had my brother's name, since it fits after all, I feel the allusion is accurate nonetheless. As the title suggests, tonight is my last night in the BR, as Stephen and I set off tomorrow for Ohio, by way of Tennessee. Kellie and I are meeting Chris and possibly others for supper at my hands down favorite place here: The Chimes. I know it's uninspired, but who among us who know Baton Rouge would do it any differently. I also feel it's fate that my last night be a Tuesday, since that means one last Pint Night at The Fox and Hound, which has fast become my favorite hangout place aside from the Chimes. The food isn't nearly as good, but they have beer, sports, and bar games, or the Matt Trifecta.

As many last night's are, this is very bittersweet. First and foremost, leaving Kellie behind will be extremely sad and tough. She has made the past few months an extreme joy, and this summer living together has just served to intensify our relationship. And to address any questions, we are staying together and will see where she wants to end up after graduation in December. I will also miss my BR friends: Chris, Dustin, Mira, Frankie, and others not named here (sorry, keeping it short). The first week I was BR after leaving N.O. Chris invited me out to the Roux House, and I've had a group of friends ever since. Obviously, I'll miss being close to family here, but that's bound to happen throughout life. Lastly, I will miss being so close to the city I call home, New Orleans. I'm not sure if I'll ever come back to live, but I will certainly look into it when that phase of my life rolls around. I'll be back to visit family and such, but it's not the same as living there.

This is bittersweet, however, because I am extremely excited about heading to Akron. While it's not an especially exciting city, it has some different things to offer, and I'm extremely confident in my choice of law schools. It will also be nice to have better access to other parts of the country: perhaps visiting Allyson in Madison, friends in Chicago, or my cousin Brian in South Bend.

Everyone gather 'round now, sing us a song, because by tomorrow I'll certainly be gone.

16 July 2006

Moving phun

Part of my move is over, and this part really has been more helping Kellie than moving myself really. Granted, I am now shacking in a new place, but that doesn't really count. I have, however, packed my Jeep with basically everything save my computer and a suitcase's worth of clothes, which will remain there until I get to Ohio. Stephen and I will head up to TN on the 26th and then leave for Ohio on the 30th.

A couple of funny things happened while moving Kellie out of her old place. These funny things revolved around the dumpster outside. Twice, after throwing items away, literally within minutes, people were by to pick them up. The first was a coffee table Kellie did not want to keep, which ironically she found outside said dumpster when moving in, and the second was a microwave. When I threw away my ironing board, I was waiting for another car to pick it up. Aside from our items, as many other people have been moving out, I had seen on several occasions people scouting out the same dumpster. It makes me wonder if there's a career to be had here, or if there's some set of society who specialize in scouting out dumpsters. The speed in which these items were reclaimed also makes me wonder if there's some intricate system of monitoring when potential valuables are discarded. Kellie and I found it funny, and I'm telling you all this because I have nothing better to write about.